Temporary exemption to the subtitling requirement of live TV broadcasts continues until the end of 2021

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 10.12.2020 13.35
Press release

On 10 December 2020, the Government decided to continue the temporary exemption contained in the Government Decree on Television and Radio Operations that requires live television broadcasts to be subtitled only in connection with a retransmission. The period of exemption will continue until the end of 2021. The subtitling requirement for live broadcasts will become fully applicable on 1 January 2022.

For the Finnish Broadcasting Company, the requirement means a 100% subtitling obligation, and for programming addressed to several audiences, i.e. by MTV 3 and Nelonen, a 75% subtitling obligation. However, the requirement would not apply to regional news, which could continue to be subtitled in connection with the retransmission.

The comments and feedback received on the matter have been taken into account in preparing the Decree. The decision to continue the temporary exemption until the end of 2021 will promote the implementation of a high-quality subtitling service.

The name of the Decree will be changed to Government Decree on Audiovisual Services.

Next steps

The Government issued a decree on the matter on 10 December. It will enter into force on 1 January 2021.

A separate amendment to the Decree on Events of Major Importance for Society is scheduled for the beginning of 2021 once the relevant EU requirements have been addressed.


Elina Thorström, Director of Unit, tel. +358 40 507 4502

Päivi-Maria Virta, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 50 362 7906

Press release, 15 October 2020: List of events of major importance for society sent out for comments
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Valtioneuvoston asetus televisio- ja radiotoiminnasta annetun asetuksen muuttamisesta (LVM056:00/2020)
Gateway to Information on Government Projects:Yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävien tapahtumien listan päivitystarpeiden arviointi (LVM028:00/2020)