More stringent regulations on port state control of foreign vessels

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 16.12.2010 13.51
Press release -

The port state control system of foreign vessels is undergoing a change. In the future, inspections will mainly target high-risk vessels. The port state control system and penalties for violations will also be made more effective. For example, it will be possible to permanently deny access to EU ports and the ports of Paris MOU signatories for vessels repeatedly violating the regulations.

The aim of a more stringent control system is to reduce the number of substandard vessels operating in EU territorial waters. This would diminish the risks posed by such vessels to shipping and the marine environment. The new control system would also benefit shipping companies having ensured that their vessels meet international obligations imposed on them.

This proposal implements the Directive on Port State Control, which is part of the so-called third maritime safety package of the European Union.

The government proposal on passing the vessel safety bill was submitted on Thursday 16 December 2010. It is intended that the President of the Republic will approve the bill on Friday 17 December 2010 and that the Act will enter into force on 1 January 2011.

For more information, please contact:
Senior Adviser Anna Sotaniemi, tel. 09 160 28491 or 040 572 0166