Directors at the Ministry of Transport and Communications for the three-year period starting in February 2022

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 21.12.2021 16.00
Press release

New Unit Directors, the Director of Strategic Affairs and the Director of Legal Affairs will take up their duties on 1 February 2022. At the same time, the Ministry's reformed organisation will come into force.

The new organisational structure will support the strategic development of the Ministry's activities. The most significant changes concern the Ministerial Governance Department: the new Unit for Impact Assessment and Development will provide support for legislative drafting, development of high-quality knowledge-base, and research, development and innovation activities. The focus of the Human Resources Development Unit will be on workplace training. As the importance of preparedness and contingency planning has increased within the entire administrative branch, those duties will be reorganised under a new unit.  

The Strategic Function, which is to be established under the direct leadership of the Permanent Secretary, will be responsible for long-term forecasts and planning of transport and communications policy and for the Ministry's foresight work.

The Unit Directors, the Director of Strategic Affairs and the Director of Legal Affairs will be appointed for a period of three years. Officials employed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications are eligible for the appointments.

The appointed Directors are as follows:

Ministerial Governance Department

Finance and Administration Unit:

Mikko Nygård, Director of Finance and Administration

Human Resources Development Unit:

Tiina Kaunisto, Director of Human Resources Development

Steering Unit:

Miikka Rainiala, Director of Unit

Impact Assessment and Development Unit:

Niko-Matti Ronikonmäki, Director of Unit

Preparedness and Contingency Planning Unit:

Mika Vuorinen, Director of Preparedness and Contingency Planning

Services Department

Markets Unit:

Emil Asp, Director of Unit

Commercial Transport and Qualifications Unit:

Pyry Takala, Director of Unit

Consumer Services Unit:

Sini Wirén, Director of Unit

Data Department

Data Business Unit:

Maria Rautavirta, Director of Unit

Safety and Security Unit:

Maija Ahokas, Director of Unit

Automation Unit:

Saara Reinimäki, Director of Unit

Networks Department

Development Unit:

Timo Kievari, Director of Unit

Networks Regulation Unit:

Kaisa Laitinen, Director of Unit

Data Business Unit:

Päivi Antikainen, Director of Unit

International Affairs Unit: Silja Pasanen, Director of International Affairs

Director of Legal Affairs: Kimmo Kiiski (Impact Assessment and Development Unit)

Director of Strategic Affairs: Anna Similä (Strategic Function)

In addition, Taina Pieski has been invited to take up director's duties for a fixed term of two years at the Data Department. She will work under the direct leadership of the Department's Director General. The aim of the task is strategic influence in order to boost Finland's technological profile in cooperation with stakeholders and other administrative branches.


Minna Kivimäki, Permanent Secretary

Requests for interviews: Communications Director Susanna Niinivaara, tel. +358 40 081 6187, [email protected]