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Minister Berner to meet transport specialists in Helsinki

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 10.11.2015 9.57
Type:Press release

Ms Anne Berner, Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications, has together with the Ministry of Employment and the Economy and the city of Helsinki invited top experts to Helsinki to discuss future transport services.

The meeting, which will be attended by altogether 30 global experts, who represent business life, research institutes and the public sector, will take place on 10 November in Helsinki in connection with the Slush event for startups.

Ms Berner and the experts will talk about how to best promote the Finnish Mobility as a Service, MaaS, concept that has attracted worldwide attention.

The concept means that through technology, information and innovations, transport services will be made a customer-oriented service, in which the boundaries between transport modes disappear and transport chains will be smooth. This will also create export potential for Finnish companies.

MaaS is part of a Government key project on building a growth environment for digital business.

The meeting will also focus on regulation that could help implement MaaS principles in practice. The views of the meeting will be used in the Transport Code project in which Finnish transport market regulation will be brought together into one clear package.

Ms Krista Huhtala-Jenks, Senior Officer, Ministry of Transport and Communications, tel. +358 40 721 6336